I’m Writing a Book

For anyone with access to my social media accounts in the last few years, it’ll be no surprise that I’m something of an oversharer. Like most neurodivergent people, my brain likes to identify patterns, and I build connections with people based on shared experiences. I have something like a mental filing cabinet where I can sort my experiences and patterns and it helps me make sense of the world and my relationships.

In 2017 when my husband and I decided to start trying to have a baby, I didn’t anticipate the proverbial roller coaster we were boarding to have quite so many turns. Six years have passed and while I’m watching my almost-six-month-old sleeping next to me, I’m realizing how much of my story is seasoned by what it took to bring him home. 

So - since I am an oversharer after all - I’m writing a book. I hope to transform my experience into something useful for other parents trying to build their families. If not, maybe I can provide entertainment for those who enjoy suspense and plot twists. Much of the story I have to tell is heavy, but (spoiler alert!) it has a happy ending. It’s a story of hope and pain, joy and loss, and I hope you'll laugh as much as you'll cry.

Stay tuned and follow along here to read about my progress, watch me run into obstacles, and get a glimpse behind the scenes of the writing process!


On Telling My Story